Monday, May 23

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Seize the Day - Deuteronomy 1:8

"Look, I am giving all this land to you! Go in and occupy it, for it is the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to all their descendants." In order to prepare the Israelites for the conquest of Canaan, Moses reminded them of life in Egypt, of the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, and of their past fearfulness that resulted in disobedience to God and rebellion against His promises. He warned them to obey God’s covenant and assured them that God’s grace would follow them as they learned to trust and obey the Lord. The land of Canaan was already Israel’s because God had promised it to the nation’s ancestors centuries earlier (Gen 15:18-21; 26:3; Exod 23:31). Israel was not seizing new territory from its rightful owners but was taking possession of land occupied by squatters. God has a plan and purpose for you. Don't let the threat of giants or walled cities prevent you from fulfilling God's will for your life as the Israelites did (and all who did died in the wilderness). Go forth and occupy the territory God has given you. In other words, capture the opportunities God creates for you; fulfill the assignments God entrusts to you; accomplish the plans God sets before you; receive the promises God makes to you. Seize the day--carpe diem--in the name of the Lord!

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