Steven C. Mills resides in Ardmore, Oklahoma where he is a college administrator. His wife of almost thirty years, Diane, recently passed away from cancer. Together they were proud parents of three children and devoted grandparents of six grandchildren.
Steve has been a Sunday school teacher, youth minister, school teacher, and college professor. As a research professor at a major university, he conducted research on improving learning in the classroom using computer technology and has written journal articles and authored textbooks on the subject.
He has also been a public school administrator and computer technology instructor. He has a Ph.D. in Instructional Psychology and Technology and a Masters degree in Christian Education.
His first book, The Kingdom Order: Living for the Future in the Present, has recently been released. He worked on this book for over ten years. The book is intended to help readers develop a better understanding of the Christian faith from the perspective of Jesus’s teachings about the kingdom of God. Find out more at the book's website, The Kingdom Order Book.
Steve also blogs about about his life as a single grandparent raising two young children at Poppy's New Adventure.