Do you sometimes seem to be doing everything right and everything goes wrong?
You are faithful to God, planting seed for His Kingdom by serving and obeying Him in every way. Then, in the middle of your faithfulness and obedience, first one problem or tragedy strikes, then another, and then another.
When this happens do you remain faithful to God and continue to serve and obey Him? Do you continue to plant seed for God's Kingdom?
If you do, then there are good times ahead! There will be singing and shouting because your faithfulness and obedience during times of adversity and misfortune will yield an abundant harvest for God's Kingdom in your soul and the souls of those for whom you have planted.
You see, God doesn't want people who go out to plant only in good weather. God needs bad weather farmers to plant and harvest for His Kingdom!
"For if we are
faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first
believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ." (Hebrews 3:14, NLT)
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