Tuesday, September 6

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Give Me That Old-Time Religion - Jeremiah 6:16

"This is what the Lord says: Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls." God, through the prophet Jeremiah, chided the people of Israel and Judah to repent and warned them of the terrible consequences that awaited them if they refused. He admonished them to follow the tried and true ways of God’s laws, which would lead to rest for their souls. When you come to a crossroads in your life and you are trying to determine which way to go, go the old, godly way, the tried and true ways of God. Such everlasting truths as:
In the beginning God created...
You shall have no other gods before me...
Honor your father and mother...
Blessed are the poor in spirit...
For God so loved the world...
God is love...
The greatest of these is love...
will assuredly lead you to God's will and His way and, consequently, bring peace and rest to your soul. The simple lyrics of an old southern gospel song explain it like this:
"Give me that old-time religion,
It's good enough for me.
It was good for our mothers...
Makes me love everybody...
It will take us all to heaven...
And it's good enough for me."
I think that's what Jeremiah was saying!

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