Monday, October 31

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Soul Food - John 4:34

“My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work." Jesus makes these remarks near the well in the Samaritan village of Sychar. Jesus had just told a Samaritan woman who was drawing water from the well that she should drink from the living water that He gives. She went and told the people of the village that Jesus was the Messiah and many came to see him and believed in Him. While all this was occurring, some of Jesus's disciples urged Him to eat. Just as Jesus told the woman at the well He was the source of life-giving water, He told His disciples He was the source of life-giving food: "I have a kind of food you know nothing about" (vs. 32). So Jesus can supply spiritual nourishment for the hungry souls of people. Furthermore,  Jesus is our model for obtaining spiritual sustenance. He, Himself, was spiritually sustained by doing the will of God and finishing God's work in His life. In the same way, our spiritual nourishment should be doing the will of God in our own lives to the extent that we complete the work that God intends each of us to do. When Jesus fed the five thousand men (plus women and children) with five loaves of bread and two fish, He commanded His disciples "You feed them" (Matthew 14:16). The disciples responded that they had only a small supply of of bread and fish. "Bring them here" (Matthew 14:18) Jesus told the disciples. Jesus was prepared to miraculously provide nourishment for the large crowd of people by blessing the obedient action of His disciples. When you continuously offer the little that you have to Jesus, then you are enabled and empowered to do God's will and complete the work He plans to do through your life.

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