Saturday, December 31

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Comings - Revelation 22:17

"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come.' Let anyone who hears this say, 'Come.' Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life." There are two comings requested in this verse and they seem to be inclusive of one another. The first request is for Christ, the bridegroom, to come and is made by the bride, the Church, who is inhabited or indwelt by the Holy Spirit. But the invitation to come is also to those who have not yet come to faith in Christ and His salvation. And we can assume that the Spirit and the bride make this second request as well. Throughout the centuries, God’s people have waited for, prayed for, hoped for, and watched for Christ’s return. This intercession for Christ's soon return is clearly demonstrated in the closing words of John's revelation: "Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!" (vs. 20). But this blessed hope is an entirely evangelistic proposition because it's a shared hope! You can't want the Lord to come without wanting people to come to the Lord. Thus, the coming of the Lord is inclusive of the coming to the Lord. And when others come to believe in Christ, then they join in the matrimonial chorus of intercession for His soon return. With the coming of the new year let our prayer be "Come quickly, Lord Jesus" and let us put our prayers into action by inviting others to come to the Lord Jesus.

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