Saturday, July 21

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The Love Test, 2nd Edition - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

(The following meditation is a re-posting of one of the more popular posts on this website, The Love Test. As I read I Corinthians 13 again this year, I think the original meditation warrants publishing again. However, I have posted it with some revisions based on the language used in the HCSB and as it specifically relates to the discussion of spiritual gifts presented in Chapters 12 and 14.)

I Corinthians 13 is known as the "Love Chapter" in which the Apostle Paul describes how love should be the primary influence or motivating factor for serving in the Church. It is embedded between Chapters 12 and 14 where Paul explained the different spiritual gifts God has given to the Church in order to unify and strengthen it.

Paul says that spiritual gifts are good for building and strengthening the Church, but love is a better way. Spiritual gifts will end some day but love and what one does from love are eternal, lasting forever (vs. 9).

What if Paul's description of love were made into an eligibility test for ministry to determine if our faith and our desire to serve God, the Church, and one another is motivated by love? Would you be qualified? Should you get the job?

Rate yourself on this 10-question Love Test based on I Corinthians 13:4-7 to see if you have the "love" qualifications needed for Christian service:

1. Are you patient with and kind to your children, your spouse, and other people?
 __Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

2. Are you ever jealous of someone else?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

3. Do you like to talk about yourself?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

4. Do you like to tell others about your successes and accomplishments?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

5. Do you think your way is the best way or that your opinions are always right?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

6. Are you easily irritated when others don't agree with you?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

7. Do you have respect for the humanity of others (do you respect people)?
 __Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

8. Do you remember other people's bad conduct or faults?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

9. Are you transparent, sincere, and truthful in your interactions and relationships with other people?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

10. Do you  give up or quit when things don't turn out the way you want?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never

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