Monday, November 5

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What Makes God Happy - Ezekiel 18:23

"'Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked?' This is the declaration of the Lord God. 'Instead, don't I take pleasure when he turns from his ways and lives?'"

Sometimes people think that God is somehow out to get them.

In Chapter 18 the prophet Ezekiel provides a highly detailed explanation to refute the notion that God punishes the innocent for the sins of others. Ezekiel clarifies that each individual bears personal responsibility for his or her own sin (see also 33:7-20).

But God's desire for human beings is that they repent of their sin. 

Although God will punish sin to vindicate his holiness and justice, God finds no pleasure in the punishment and death of human beings created in his image.

Rather, God desires to save people and bestow them with eternal life!

God takes no satisfaction in human beings dying in their sin and rebellion and being eternally separated from Him.

What God wants for us is just the opposite. God takes pleasure in redeeming us so that we may spend eternity in fellowship with Him.

So God isn't out to get you--He's out to redeem you!

And He wants you to live eternally with Him!

Because your salvation makes God happy!

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