Wednesday, March 24

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Memo to Myself: No Whining - Proverbs 24:10

"If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small." How do you handle problems when they come your way? Do you get angry, frustrated, or depressed? Do you keep to yourself or do you complain to your friends or family about your problems? Adversity is what God uses to build your character. If you can't handle small problems the Lord uses to discipline you and build you up, then your character or maturity level in the Lord is not as it should be. In fact, any grumbling about your problems is technically a complaint against God since your problems are His discipline at work in your life. If small problems are irritants, then how in the world are you ever going to handle the large problems that accompany the large assignments God may be planning for you. Instead of complaining, let problems build you up and make you into a better person in Christ. I once saw a placard hanging in a person's office that simply said, "No whining." That's essentially the message conveyed by this verse. So, Memo to Myself: No Whining!

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