Friday, May 21

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Being Led by the Spirit: The Example of Jesus - Luke 3:21-4:14

Jesus set the example of being filled and being led by the Spirit. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit descended on Him (Luke 3:22).  When Jesus fasted for forty days before beginning His ministry, He was full of the Holy Spirit after His baptism and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to fast (Luke 4:1). Then, when Jesus completed His forty-day fast, He returned to Galilee and began His Galilean ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:14). Every endeavor Jesus undertook in His life and ministry, He yielded to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit empowered Him. If Jesus, the Son of God, as a man was Spirit-filled, Spirit-directed, and Spirit-enabled, how much more should we be?
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