Friday, May 7
What Causes Temptation? - James 1:13-15
Sometimes when we make a mistake and sin, we attribute the cause for the evil that we do to God--God is causing this trial to build our faith. Some may even flippantly say that "the devil made me do it." In these verses James explains what causes temptation and what are the terrible consequences of yielding to temptation. First, James clearly states that God cannot be tempted with evil nor does God tempt anyone (vs. 13) because He is unreservedly good and would never entice human beings to sin. James says that temptation occurs when we are beguiled and enticed by our own evil desires. At first the desire for something may not seem so evil, but when it lures us away from our place of shelter in the Lord it works just like the bait that lures fish to take the hook. The terrible consequences of evil desire is sin and death. James says that desire gives birth to sin and sin gives birth to death. So sin is the child of evil desire and death is its grandchild! When we recognize that it is our own evil desires that tempt us (not God and not always the devil), then we are empowered NOT to yield to the temptation.