Wednesday, August 25

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What Really Matters- Romans 14:16-17

"So do not let what you regard as good be spoken of as evil. For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." The Apostle Paul explains what really matters for life in Christ. God's Kingdom is about love for Christ and one another; it is not a set of rules and regulations, policies and procedures. Therefore, the strong in faith should not act or behave in ways that can be misunderstood by the weak in faith or those with no faith, but the strong should refrain from questionable conduct for the sake of the weak or the faithless. For if the strong in faith do not act out of love but for their own satisfaction, then the goodness of the gospel may be wrongly misconstrued as evil. If another perceives the good you are doing as evil, then it does not accomplish any good for God's Kingdom. So what really matters to establish your life in Christ is not formulating a set of do's and dont's or when's and how-to's to live by, but rather experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you to enable God's righteousness, peace, and joy to subsume your life.
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