Saturday, September 11

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Trust Me, I'm a Christian - 1 Kings 3:28

"And all Israel heard of the judgment that the king had rendered, and they stood in awe of the king, because they perceived that the wisdom of God was in him to do justice." I Kings 3 includes the story of King Solomon's prayer for wisdom and then his first official act where he applied the wisdom God gave him. Two women brought a child before King Solomon each claiming he was her son. Solomon pronounces his judgment that the child should be divided in two and a half given to each woman. One woman asked Solomon to instead give the child to the other while one was satisfied with the child being and divided in half (and killed). Thus, Solomon knew the woman who wanted to spare the child's life was, in fact, the real mother and he gave the child to her. Then we read that all the people in Israel hear about the judgment that Solomon rendered in this case and they knew that God had given him wisdom to execute justice in the land. In other words, Solomon was perceived to be a trustworthy leader because he had God's wisdom and he used this wisdom to render justice. Do people perceive you as trustworthy? Each of us must use the wisdom God gives when we are born again to speak and act justly and thus, be trustworthy in the sight of God and in the sight of other people.
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