Sunday, January 9

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Be the Blessing - Genesis 12:1-2

"Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous and you will be a blessing to others." God called Abraham from Mesopotamia to a new land to become the patriarch of God's people. God gave Abraham two commands: 1) leave your native country; and 2) be a blessing to others. Abraham obeyed God in both cases. Abraham moved with his family from Ur to Haran and he eventually departed from Haran for the land of Canaan. Abraham traveled from one end of Canaan to the other, built altars to God, and proclaimed the Lord's name in a pagan land. The command of God to Abraham to be a blessing to others was also a promise: "You will be a blessing." In other words, God wanted Abraham to be the blessing. God wanted Abraham to be the means through which He could bless (or not bless) others. In the same way, God wants you to be the blessing by the way you live your life and by proclaiming the name of the Lord so that others will be blessed by God.

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