First, God formed all the wild animals and birds and brought them to the man (Adam) and he gave names to all of the species of animals.
Still, there was no helper who was just right for him. So God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and formed a woman from a part of his side.
When God brought the woman to Adam, he compared her with all the other species of animals on earth that he had previously assessed and recognized that she was of the same essence: "This one is bone from my bone and flesh from my flesh" (vs. 23).
So, she was "just right" for him and him for her!
It is this unity between man and woman that forms the basis for the marriage union. The marriage union between a man and woman is not a human conception but is rooted and grounded in the created order; thus, it is God-ordained.
Marriage between a man and woman sustains the role of humanity in the created order and is the basic building block of human society. But, the institution of marriage is highly susceptible to attacks from Satan in his attempts to destroy or disrupt the created order.
So, recognize that your spouse is "just right" for you and continually pray for the preservation of your marriage.