Sunday, March 27

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Totally Praiseworthy - Psalm 103

This psalm of David celebrates God’s perfection, compassion, forgiveness, and goodness. The structure of the psalm is an acrostic poem with one verse for each letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Several theological concepts about the nature of God are presented in this psalm:
  • He completely forgives us of all our sins (vs. 3, 12)
  • He can heal us from any disease (vs. 3)
  • He gives us eternal life (vs. 4)
  • He treats us with goodness, not evil (vs. 5)
  • He gives justice to those who have been mistreated (vs. 6)
  • He is compassionate, merciful, and patient towards people (vs. 8)
  • He does not remain angry with us for our disobedience (vs. 9)
  • He does not punish us in proportion to our sins (vs. 10)
  • His love for those who obey Him is immeasurable (vs. 8,11)
  • He establishes a fatherly relationship with us (vs. 13)
  • His kingdom is everlasting and extends over all His creation (vs. 17,19,22)
Because of the greatness and goodness of God, He is totally praiseworthy. Therefore, we should be completely committed to Him and continually glorify Him with our lives: "Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me" (vs. 1-2).

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