Tuesday, April 5

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Master of the Universe - Psalm 115:1

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness."

In this Psalm of thanksgiving for God’s blessings, the Psalmist ascribes all glory to God, who is the true source of hope and blessing.

People deny God’s presence or power because they may not see or hear Him. But God is in the heavens and though unseen on the earth, He still yields all power and authority over the physical realm in which we live.

So, God is deserving of all glory and praise.

God is truly the Master of the universe!

That His power and authority are at work in this world in ways unseen to us is demonstrated in the parable of the seed growing secretly in Mark 4:26-29.

In the parable Jesus told about a farmer who planted seed in the ground. The seed sprouted and grew continually even though the farmer did not observe it or understand how it happened. Nevertheless, a leaf from the seed pushed through the ground and then heads of wheat were formed and finally the grain ripened (Mark 4:28).

The meaning of the parable was that the growth and consummation of God's kingdom in this world and in individual human lives does not depend on our action,  although we participate by spreading the good news of the Kingdom.

But, we can't grow God's Kingdom. Only God Himself.  He's the Master of His Kingdom, the Master of the Universe!

Still, we are responsible to scatter the gospel seed so that God can harvest souls for eternal life!

So to God goes all the glory because of His unfailing love and faithfulness toward us!

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