I see it as a transition from one theme to the next because it summarizes Paul's case for righteousness in Christ and then briefly describes how this new life of righteousness in Christ is applied in our personal lives.
It's a concise narrative of the normal Christian life.
Once we are at peace with God, then we have access to His grace that strengthens and empowers us to live righteously in this world in Christ.
God empowers us to live out this new life of righteousness in Christ in our everyday lives. Because we have obtained access to God's grace through Christ, then we can confront adversity with joy because that's part of the process, that's the way this new life in Christ works!
So suffering adversity is what really gives us the opportunity to experience this new kind of life in Christ.
It's the falling down that gives occasion for God to pick us up!
Thus, confronting troubles, trials, and tragedies builds our faith and our endurance because we learn to trust God. The bigger our problems, the harder we lean on God.
And when faith and trust in God become a way of life for us, a lived-out faith, then it builds our character in Christ.
And when we become people of deep faith, that lived-out faith generates hope that God will see us through any adversity in this present life and completely eliminate adversity in the life to come--eternal life.
In other words, you become the kind of person that when life hands you a lemon, you make lemonade!
Hoping in Christ will never lead to disappointment because not only has God demonstrated His love for us in Christ, but He has actually transmitted His love to us by virtue of the gift of the Holy Spirit, whom God has given us and dwells in us!
So, you can rejoice when adversity strikes because if you've got problems, then in Christ you've got hope! And if you've got hope in Christ, then you've got God's love in your heart!
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18).
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