Monday, June 13

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How to Have a Bad Day - Amos 5:18-20

"What sorrow awaits you who say, If only the day of the Lord were here! You have no idea what you are wishing for. That day will bring darkness, not light" (vs. 18). In these verses Amos confronts the distorted view of the Israelites concerning their status as God's chosen people. In the Old Testament the day of the Lord was a time when God would intervene in the world to set right those things that had gone wrong. The Israelites thought that on that day God would save them despite their bad behavior. Unfortunately, tragic circumstances awaited Israel and Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 BC, fulfilling this prophecy. In our own lives we can become self-assured like Israel was. Because we are God's people, we think we should somehow be exempt from crisis and tragedy. But sometimes we just have a bad day, or a series of bad days. Amos explains what a bad day is in vs. 19. A man runs from a lion only to meet a bear and he escapes from the bear and while seeking refuge in his own home leans against a wall and is bitten by a snake. Now that's how to have a bad day! And it can happen just when you think everything is going great. In fact, that's usually when a bad day comes along. When everything is going great, we have a tendency to forget God and get secure in our own selves. Then, when misfortune strikes we bemoan God for our difficulties. Don't let bad days be obstacles in your spiritual development; rather let bad days be opportunities for spiritual renewal. When you seek the Lord for restoration and deliverance from your troubles, He will more fully become your hope and joy!

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