Thursday, June 9

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Signs of the Times - Luke 12:49-59

"You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times" (vs. 56). Jesus told His disciples His ministry would radically change the status quo by bringing judgment on the wicked and purifying the righteous. Then Jesus turned to the crowd and prevailed upon them to recognize that He was the bearer of God's judgment and justice. The people could interpret the weather patterns, He said, but they didn't recognize the coming judgment of God (vs. 54-56). They filed lawsuits against each other to get justice but failed to reckon with God when His day of judgment was at hand (vs. 57-59). And as the end draws closer, we are yet still the same--maybe even more so. There are whole television channels devoted to weather and then we watch it on the morning and evening news. You may even have a weather radio and a weather app installed on your cell phone! While we prepare for each day according to the daily weather report, the fact that the time of God's final judgment is near should impact the way we live each day. We file lawsuits against one another seeking justice for ourselves when we should be getting right with God before He comes to judge us. Jesus is saying the Kingdom of God has come and even now the King is assembling His new government and you should anticipate it by preparing yourself for this new world order. You should recognize the signs of Jesus's coming and be prepared for Him to return and administer judgment and justice on the earth.

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