Wednesday, June 8

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Worry is a Faith Matter - Luke 12:22-28

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear. For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing" (vs. 22-23). Jesus told a parable about greed to a crowd of people and then He turned to His disciples and proceeded to tell them not to worry about their daily needs for life, specifically, food and clothing. Jesus said that ravens don't plant or harvest crops yet they have enough food (vs. 24) and King Solomon was never dressed as beautifully as a lilly (vs. 27). God takes care of both the birds and flowers, so how much more will He take care of human beings (vs. 28). What's interesting is after Jesus admonishes His disciples to quit worrying about their basic needs for life, He then indicts them for a lack of faith. Jesus links worry to faith. In other words, when you worry you are demonstrating a lack of faith. Thus, worry is a faith matter! So the way to reduce or eliminate worry from your life is to build your faith in God. And the way to build your faith in God is to seek His Kingdom above all else. Before pursuing your everyday needs you should first and foremost seek the Kingdom of God. Then when you seek God's Kingdom first each day, your daily needs (and more!) will be supplied as a result or benefit of working for His Kingdom (vs. 31). The point is that when you work first for the Kingdom of God, the other work you undertake each day will serve to supplement your main vocation of building God's Kingdom. And then you won't have to worry about all your other needs because you work for God and He takes care of you.

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