Tuesday, August 30

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The Eternity Connection - 2 Samuel 14:14

"All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him." These words were spoken to King David by a woman with a reputation for great wisdom (vs. 2). With advice from this wise woman, King David was persuaded to reconcile with his son, Absalom. The woman encouraged David to restore his relationship with Absalom as God seeks to reconcile with and restore His people. She reminded King David that God does not leave His people in exile but rather He devises plans to rescue them from their separation from Him. Our lives on this earth can seem short and insignificant, like water that is spilled on and absorbed into the ground. But God gives our lives significance because He has devised a plan for our redemption. God rescues, restores, and redeems us, and, thereby, connects our lives on earth to eternity. When God redeems you, your life becomes forever significant--eternally meaningful--because it is preparation for your eternal life.

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