Now, that's not really the way we envision the Kingdom of God, is it? We sort of understand the wheat field, but the weeds don't really fit into our understanding of the Kingdom of God.
So, the servants of the owner of the field want to pull up the weeds, but the owner commands the servants to let the weeds grow with the wheat and then he instructs the servants to separate the weeds when they harvest the wheat.
This parable demonstrates the sovereignty of God over His creation. "Evil" coexists with "good" for a period of time.
Then, Jesus interprets His own parable and explains that the sowing of the weeds in the wheat field is unquestionably the work of Satan, the Devil (vs. 38-39).
But God is Almighty and His Plan is Supreme, even to the extent that He can use the evil actions of people and even the Devil himself to work His good purposes.
God is able to grow and harvest wheat in a field full of weeds!
God remains undaunted by evil in the fulfillment of His good purposes. Although the evil one is working throughout history and even the circumstances of our lives to disrupt God's plans and purposes, God is active in this present world but He is not necessarily reactive to evil.
So God works through the circumstances of our lives to declare Himself and His redeeming love to us.
God is resolute, intentional, and deliberate. He has a plan and purpose and is actively pursuing His plan of building His Kingdom in our lives.
Sometimes our lives may seem to us more like growing wheat in a field of weeds. But Jesus assures us in this parable that our life is really a field of wheat with some weeds growing in it!
We are God's wheat field! And God is the master! He wants us busy growing wheat, not pulling weeds!
"A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance" (John 10:10, HCSB).
Thank you Uncle Steve for the Word of hope and encouragement. I love you! Jill