Jesus's death and resurrection were of such cosmic proportions that nature didn't know how to react.
God became human and was put to death by the humanity He created. When Jesus died, the earth quaked and rocks were split so that even tombs that held the bodies of dead people were opened.
But the full magnitude of the events occurred after Jesus was resurrected--like a tsunami caused by an earthquake at the bottom of the ocean.
When Jesus was resurrected, many of the saints in the vicinity of Jerusalem were raised from the dead and came out of the tombs that had been opened and actually entered the city.
When the One who was the resurrection and life was resurrected, it seemed that death and the grave could no longer contain the dead bodies of those who would one day also be resurrected!
Jesus's victory over death guaranteed that God would also resurrect His people.
And Jesus can still rock your world today!
Catastrophic changes will occur in your life when by Christ's death on the cross, God forgives your sinfulness, and then by the power of Christ's resurrection, He transforms your old sinful life into a new life of righteousness and obedience to Him.
"I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die —ever" (John 11:25-26, HCSB).
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