Monday, October 1

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Heavenly Invasion - Hebrews 6:4-5

"Those who were once enlightened, who tasted the heavenly gift, became companions with the Holy Spirit, tasted God’s good word and the powers of the coming age..."

I've lifted this phrase out of its context for a couple of reasons. The context of the verses is, of course, the (actual or rhetorical, depending upon your theological perspective) apostasy of believers in Christ.

First, it is beyond the scope of this meditation to defend one side or the other in  this long-standing debate over a doctrine of apostasy. Second, in the process of pointing out the effects of unfaithfulness, the Hebrews writer provides a comprehensive description of the way of life of the faithful follower of Christ, part of which I would like to consider here.

The Hebrews writer names five characteristics of a faithful follower. The faithful follower knows God's will, has received God's forgiveness and grace, has received the indwelling Holy Spirit, has been transformed by God's Word, and has experienced the powers of the coming age working in his or her life.

It is on the last item on this list of characteristics of faithful followers of Christ, "tasted... the powers of the coming age," that I want to focus in this meditation.

God has given us a way to live for the future in the present!

When God came to Earth as the Man, Jesus Christ, the future age broke into this present age!

It's like a heavenly invasion has occurred and Jesus was warning us about it!

So much of what is recorded of the words and teachings of Jesus in the Bible specifically addresses the issue of living in this present age according to the powers of the coming age. Jesus talked a lot about eternity when He walked the Earth, but He talked about it as a present reality.

Jesus called eternity and its link to the present reality the “kingdom of God” or “kingdom of Heaven.”

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God has come. This Kingdom has entered into this present age and is at work in this world to bring about its future consummation.

Although this world of human beings has not completely submitted to the rule and reign of God, one day in the future God’s Kingdom will reign supreme on this earth. While the rule and reign of God has entered into the present age largely unseen, it is nevertheless actively at work occupying the human race.

We "taste the powers of the coming age" by the working of the Holy Spirit in Kingdom citizens individually and collectively to transform our present life into eternal life. When you start living by the powers of the coming age, you begin to realize that what you do today and everyday in this world, in this life, in this body, is preparing you for eternal life.

When heaven invades earth, the present becomes imprinted with the future--the sick are healed, the hungry are filled, the broken-hearted find fulfillment, the impoverished are enriched, the disenfranchised are empowered, and the dead live forever!

When God's Kingdom breaks into this world, human hearts are transformed, sinners are made righteous!

When God's Kingdom pervades our lives and changes us, then we become change agents for His Kingdom by influencing and impacting the lives of people around us.

N.T. Wright says we must live our lives in the present by the rules of what will be the case in the ultimate future.

So, let the power of the age to come be at work in you to empower you to warn others about this heavenly invasion!

"Heal the sick who are there, and tell them, 'The kingdom of God has come near you'" (Luke 10:9).

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