Thursday, April 29

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Stopping and Going with God - Numbers 9:23

"At the command of the Lord they camped, and at the command of the Lord they set out." This verse refers to the comings and goings of the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness of Sinai after their escape from Egyptian slavery. When the Israelites constructed the tabernacle to worship God during their wilderness wanderings, God demonstrated His presence among them by covering the tabernacle with a cloud by day and the appearance of fire by night. The cloud and appearance of fire indicated the presence of God's Spirit with His chosen people. Whenever the cloud lifted over the great tent, the Israelites would set out and continue on their journey and then encamp in the place where the cloud would settle. Sometimes the cloud remained over the tabernacle for a month or longer and sometimes for a few days (Numbers 9:22). In recent postings I have discussed how God leads His people by setting and revealing a path for each believer's life. This verse  indicates that there are two aspects to God's guidance--advancing and waiting--and that our job is to be obedient whether going or stopping. In the same way that God's presence covered the tabernacle, God's Spirit dwells within each believer. Sometimes the Holy Spirit leads you to move forward and sometimes the Spirit leads you to stop and wait. The waiting may be for a little while or it may be for an extended period of time. The stopping and waiting aspect of the Spirit's leading seems to be more difficult for us to obey. Nevertheless, our duty is to obey the Holy Spirit! Whether the Spirit says go or the Spirit says stop, if you are listening and obeying then God will lead you and His perfect will can be accomplished in your life.
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