While Jesus was on His way to to heal the young daughter of Jairus, one of the rulers of a synagogue in Galilee, a woman who had suffered for twelve years from a disease causing abnormal bleeding touched His garment and was immediately healed of her disease. Her healing is seemingly unintentional or inadvertent on the part of Jesus because He asked who it was that touched His garments even though the usual crowd of people was pressing against Him. The woman fearfully acknowledged that she was the one that touched Him and was healed. Jesus then said to her: "
Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease" (Mark 5:34). This suffering woman's actions demonstrate the power of faith that is focused on the person of Jesus and draped in humility. God's grace is so pervasive that even the simplest act of human faith is capable of discharging its mighty healing power.