Monday, April 5

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The Storms That Build Our Faith - Mark 4:35-41

When all the world is raging about you and it seems that problems just keep piling on, though you know that you are God's child, do you get a sinking feeling and it seems that God has forgotten about you and your circumstances? That may be the way the disciples felt when they were traveling across the Sea of Galilee in a boat with Jesus and a great storm came up: "And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he (Jesus) was in the stern, asleep on the cushion" (Mark 4:37-38a). The disciples had to wake Jesus and then asked Him if he cared that they were perishing. When Jesus woke up He rebuked the storm saying "Peace, be still" and there was a great calm. Then He turned to the disciples and asked them why they were afraid and did they still have no faith. How many problems must you have before you know that you can trust your life and circumstances to God? For those who still have little or no faith, Jesus will rebuke the storms of life. For those with faith, He will sail with you through the storms of life and build even greater faith!
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