Saturday, July 31
The Disappearance of God- I Samuel 3:1
"And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision." During that time in Israel's history when it transitioned from a confederation of chieftains to a unified nation-state, there was little or no revelation of God to His chosen people. Why? Was God less present? Maybe it wasn't so much because God was disappearing but because the people of Israel become more evil and, therefore, were unable or had no desire to see or know God. We know that there was significant corruption and pervasive unbelief among Israel's religious leaders: "Thus the sin of the young men [the high priests sons] was very great in the sight of the Lord, for the men treated the offering of the Lord with contempt (I Samuel 2:17). The diminution of a vision for God in Israel in those days was the result of increased sin and disbelief among the people and religious leaders and not because God was any less present among them. It seems, however, that God often allows His people to come to brink of destruction before He saves them so that they will understand that God is our Savior and not we ourselves. "And the Lord appeared again at Shiloh, for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel at Shiloh by the word of the Lord" (3:21). If the God's Word is rare and there is no frequent vision for God in your life, then it's time to examine yourself because God hasn't disappeared. Sin and unbelief may be creeping in and preventing you from seeing God Who is always present and willing to reveal His Word to you.