Saturday, July 17
Our Spiritual Heritage - I Corinthians 10:11
“Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come.” The Apostle Paul used several examples and non-examples from Israel's wilderness wanderings to warn the Corinthians what can happen to people who hear God's words and see his works but do not believe or are disobedient to His plans. Although most of the Corinthians were Gentiles, Paul assumed a continuity or spiritual connection between Old Testament Israel and the Gentile Corinthians (and Christians today). According to Paul's theology, the experiences of Israel as recorded in the Old Testament were designed by God beforehand and placed in history to point forward to a later, larger fulfillment. This fulfillment takes place preeminently in Christ. The Corinthians along with God's people today live in the time of the end of the age--the fullfillment--and are, therefore, the recipients of all the benefits and blessings of God’s plan of redemption in Christ. Today, we have the privilege of looking into the past and seeing the examples and non-examples of our spiritual forefathers and learning from their experiences how to be faithful and obedient to God.