I Corinthians 13 is known as the "Love Chapter" in which the Apostle Paul explains a way of life motivated by love. What if we took Paul's description of love and made it into a test to see if love motivates our lives? Rate yourself on this 10-question Love Test based on I Corinthians 13:4-7 and then decide for yourself how much love motivates you:
1. Are you patient and kind to other people?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
2. Are you ever jealous of someone else?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
3. Do you like to talk about yourself?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
4. Do you like to have your own way?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
5. Are you easily irritated with others?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
6. Do you resent others successes?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
7. Do you like to hear about other people's problems and mistakes?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
8. Do you give up when things don't go your way?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
9. Do you have a positive outlook?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never
10. Do you think things will turn out for the best?
__Always __Mostly __Sometimes __Never