Tuesday, June 8

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Don't Worry, Be Happy - Luke 12:31

Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you." Having security and achieving happiness are important priorities in life for almost any human being. In a short discourse in Luke 12:22-31 that appears in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus addresses the co-dependent issues of finding happiness and security in life. Since God is the ultimate source of life, He is also the ultimate provider of all our needs as well, and all our human energy and action should be directed toward knowing Him and becoming like Him rather than trying to accumulate needed possessions. Simply stated, we should not take the things we possess too seriously nor should we be anxious about accumulating them. If we take too much pride in possessions (or the accumulation of possessions) or worry too much about how we are going to obtain possessions, then we cannot fully participate in God's Kingdom because "where your treasure is, there will your heart will be also" (Luke 6:34; Matthew 6:21). So Jesus is telling His disciples, and us, to depend on God to meet your material needs and then invest your time and energy in what God is doing. I think this is God's way of saying, "Don't worry, be happy."
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