Saturday, June 19
Indifference: The Product of Unbelief - Luke 19:26
"I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Jesus told a parable about a prince who went to a far country to receive a kingdom. Before he left he gave a significant sum of money to several servants and ordered them to engage in business with the money until he returns. Upon his return he ordered each servant to give an accounting of his business activities. One servant profitted ten times as much with the money and he given authority over ten cities in the prince's new kingdom; another five times as much was given authoriy over five cities. The third said he held the money without investing it because he was afraid of the prince's fury if he did not make a profit. So the prince condemned the complacent servant and took the money he had given him and gave it to the one who had earned ten times over. The lack of productivity by the servant revealed his unbelief which led to his indifference. Thus, indifference or complacency is the product of unbelief. The lack of productivity--or indifference--for God's Kingdom may actually indicate a lack of belief in the reality of His Kingdom!