Tuesday, June 15

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The Key to Developing Spiritual Maturity - Luke 16:1-9

Although difficult to interpret, the parable of the dishonest manager can teach us a valuable lesson in developing spiritual maturity. The dishonest manager possessed a capability best described as acumen. Acumen is insightfulness--the keen insight one uses for making quick and accurate judgments. The dishonest manager mishandled the business affairs of his boss and knew he was about to be fired. Although the manager had careless disregard for the boss's business, the manager used his business acumen in preparing for his forced retirement and the boss commended the manager for it.  Jesus complained that worldly people use acumen to build wealth and goodwill to benefit themselves better than God's people do (vs 8). Jesus then suggested that God's people should use acumen in preparing for eternal life in the same way the dishonest manager used it to prepare for his impending unemployment (vs. 9). So Jesus seemed to think acumen was a capability evident among worldly people but lacking among God's people. But shouldn't the converse be true? God's people should be the ones with insight more than the people of the world because they have the indwelling Holy Spirit! The key to developing spiritual maturity is to exercise the spiritual acumen God has given each of us. Instead of jumping to our own conclusions, let us ask God for insight in making judgments and decisions about every aspect of our lives to better prepare ourselves for eternal life. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5).
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